Monday, May 17, 2010


We just spent a day up in Provo canyon and it caused me to realize that BIG changes have been happening around here.... and I really haven't written them down!

~ First and foremost, James finished another year of school with his highest GPA so far! We are so proud of him!! He really does have an amazing ability to just keep on going!

~ We celebrated our 2 year anniversary with an ALL-DAY date alone!! Thanks to Clayton and Amber for watching Jackson for SO long, we went goofy-golfing, to the batting cages, and to Outback for dinner.

~ I celebrated my first mother's day as a "real" mom with James making dinner while I took a nap! He also sang with the elder's quorom in church (my personal favorite!)

~ My wonderful mom just turned 49! She sure is such a good mother, and the more days I spend as a mother, the more I realized how patient she really is! She spent the fay hiking, swimming, and getting new sandals....not to mention buying size 2 skinny jeans! If I can only turn out half that good on my 49th birthday!

~ James is now 23! Happy birthday to him! The only things he wanted to do were 1) have cousins over for the suns game 2) eat meatballs. Can a man be easier to please?

~Jackson's front two teeth (for a grand total of 4 teeth!) just came in allowing him to eat anything he pleases! Lately he's into "dirt-turds" You know those nice little logs created by aerating lawns? He loves those! He now weighs over 20 pounds, and even got a new car seat!

~ He has also mastered "crawling", and gets into everything. Let's just say people think he has problems... one guy said to me "he can crawl normally right?"


A sweet little boy, content to just sit and stare. Now, he's feisty and definitely a tease.

~ We have a new addition to our family!!! 2 new dutch ovens and a tent!! :) And let's just say, James is a new man... hopefully we can get a few camping trips in this summer. We did kick it off with some yummy cheesy potatoes and chicken... he really did a great job for his first time.

~Last but not least, I decided to go for the drastic change of a new hair style, without the help of my master stylist, my mom! I had to branch out to "Flora Lynn" and then, I decided to try the hair school's special of "summer highlights"...Let's just say, my mom does a much better job!! And somehow, I ended up with very bleached hair, that even after dying back dark, is now still a little blonde.... that, and the stylist even tried to convince me to get my nose pierced and have "peace, love, and harmony" tattooed in Celtic characters on my arm. I left crying, and they even charged me extra for the extra bleach it took to go that blonde! I only have the pictures from my phone, but more will come soon! Let's just say the most common comment is ' sure look.....summer'y!" After all is said and done, I will never take my mom for granted!


  1. You actually wrote on your blog! I love all the updates because I don't get these when I see you at staff meetings. :) Jackson looks like he is doing great. I love the army crawl! And I hope you have a lot of adventures this summer with your tent and your dutch ovens. Thats one of the best things to have to enjoy Utah to the fullest(or so I've learned). And by the way, I love your haircut, even if you aren't happy with it. I think it looks great.

  2. Wow you blonde! Hopefully you'll get used to the new "you" soon. And thanks for the updates on the blog. . . finally! I love reading about your day-to-day stuff. Congrats to James for getting a higher-than-ever GPA at BYU. We're so proud of you guys and miss you!
