Monday, August 25, 2014

Going back to weekly posts with phone pics

James has been writing in his journal, so I realized I needed to do the same. :) I will go back to weekly posts. It is SO much easier that way! So, what's new?

I snapped this picture of my Dad on Friday night. My mom has been in Utah all week and as I was dropping off Brianna from babysitting. He was outside on the porch swing waiting for her. Way cute huh? He knew she was about to be driving up soon and was sick of being lonely. James and I had gone to do a temple session. We've gone 3 months in a row. It seems so hard to get it all arranged and actually have it happen, but I am glad we are trying harder. At least before this baby comes.

My parents got a phone call from my brother Matt's mission president in Columbia. It turns out he has some cysts that need removed urgently and he needed to come to America for surgery. Poor guy, he's been gone a year and was loving everything. Nothing sounds worse than needing to come home for "medical reasons". He's just sure it sounds like depression- but I guess the plan is not to release him as a missionary and just let him have surgery, recover, and then go right back to Columbia. Crazy! So, he flies in tonight at 5:30 and we are all going to the airport and then a cook out out my mom's pool. I am excited to see him again!

Tommie got eaten alive by mosquitos at the first of this week. Poor guy, couldn't sleep at all- he was miserable! BUT, Dallin AND Tommie AND have Jackson have officially slept 3 nights in a row, without waking me up once. That means, I have gotten at least 7 hours of sleep for 3 nights. Man, it makes such a difference! Here's to hoping it stays that way!

I ordered a big 32 pound box of peaches from Utah this week. I had every intention to can them- but we ate them all! It has been my favorite meal, snack, dessert this week. We haven't even had smoothies or anything- just eaten them plain! Somehow they cured my heart burn for the week! :)

James worked every night this week, so we were on our own for dinners and through the evenings. I loved going to riverview's splash pad to let the kids "calm down".

I taught relief society on Sunday on kindness and love in the home. I loved being reminded the importance of not blaming others for our frustrations, and just eliminating a lot of contention in our lives. I know that I am a big mood setter in the house and sometimes exhaustion just sets in and I am quick to be cranky. But, I am trying harder to just be pleasant and it's working! :) I needed those reminders.


1 comment:

  1. So I just read through the posts that were new to me. You, lady, are amazing. Congratulations on the coming baby. Despite the challenges of it, what a wonderful blessing too. You and James are pretty awesome and I can only imagine how great your children are and will be.
